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Convention - Final Part

Last week was a complete wash out for me, I am not actually sure what happened it was hectic doing nothing, I therefore apologise I did not get a chance to post the final instalment of my convention adventure.

So here it is, there was a table set up along with a dresser and Christmas tree, all decorated with handmade goodies.  It truly looked stunning.

And finally, we couldn't resist a selfie!!!
Well that's it folks, I hope you enjoyed my little piece of convention, it truly was a great experience and if you would like the chance to attend this wonderful event with me next year then please get in touch.

1 comment

  1. I know that feeling Jo my weeks are a blur at present!...
    Love the table set up - it's made me feel festive for the first time. I have been struggling to feel Christmassy doing bits for the stall Nov 22nd. Need to get my bum in gear...
    Ps - Love the group selfie! X
